How To Sell Your PUppies in Brooklyn NY

•November 30, 2008 • Leave a Comment

If you have no time to take care of your puppies and want to sell them in Brooklyn, New York, where should you sell? Or you might be a dog breeder and want to sell your puppies in Brooklyn, NY. But where should you sell? You don’t want to knock door to door and sell your puppies.

Living in New York, you know that time is very important. Therefore, you must know that people who live here seldom have time to look around for puppies from shop to shop. So, where they will find the puppies they like? The answer is on the internet.

But I don’t have the website to sell my puppies….

You don’t have to have your own website to sell your puppies. You just need to submit information to the right puppies for sale website especially in Brooklyn NY. You are most likely to get a free upload for your puppies’ information but it’s good that you donate or give back some money to the website owner as a “thank you” to the owner.

How does it work?

Basically, all you need to do is to take some photos and videos of your puppies and upload them to the puppies for sale website. You also need to fill in your own information specifically your contact information so that the buyers can contact you
and to meet up with you and your puppies.

Extra tip to sell your puppies…

If you want to make your puppies more sellable, you might want to “decorate” them in a way that pleases you and of course the buyers. Don’t put too many things on them. Sometimes one or two decoration are good enough. Take some nice photos from their birth to several weeks or months. When buyers see their growth, they will likely to get one.

puppies for sale brooklyn ny

how to bathe a puppy

how to bathe a puppy

Selling your puppies in Brooklyn? Puppies For Sale Brooklyn NY might be a good place for you. Simply fill in the puppies for sale form and we will post your puppies on our site!